Don't Read This !!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Cat I don't have is at it again on eBay * 8-31-08 *

Click on Image for full view

New TeeShirt For Shnitterz * 8-31-08 *

Let's be careful this holidat weekend! * 8-31-08 *

Drive Safely, other people may depend on it.

Do your part fellow Shnitheadz!

Thanks go out to whoever sent this in!
Way to go Unknown Shnithead!

Video 4 Today * 8-31-08 * 36 hour Cialis

When the time is right, this pill is the SHNIT

Shnit 4 Today * 8-31-08 * Here we go again

Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Wood Spider * 8-30-08 * "This is the Shnit 4 Today"


Informative Video Presentation * 8-30-08 *


Thanks to "M" for this and many other videos
(forthcoming, to wit and probably actionable)

With My Credit Score I can now afford this little beauty * 8-30-08 *

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Thank You Fellow Shnitheadz - 8/28/08

I never expected this site, blog, or whatever the hell this is to be this successful in such a short period of time. Thanks to everyone you contributes to this feeble cause. Keep them cards and letters coming in. I await your comments and suggestions but please, use little words. You can post your thoughts on ANY topic by simply using the "CLICK HERE TO LEAVE COMMENTS" message found in small but bold font at the bottom of each new blog entry. I am encouraging the other "authors" @ Shnitheadz to help me out by adding their Shnit too. It's a shnity process but someone has to do it. Please tell your friends and enemies alike to come by for a visit and remember to always STEAL RESPONSIBLY.

and now a shameless plug...

Thingys used the following products while creating this site.

Shnit 4 Today * 8-28-08 * THE BABES OF SHNITHEADZ

To Thingy's Wife;
Sorry honey, they made me post this stuff! :)

Transformer Sex? More Shnit in the news 8/28/08

Houdini's FIRST Escape - - New Evidence found - 8/28/08


On a serious note * 8-28-08 *

Sometimes Shnit isn't so funny!

Shnitheadz supports and actions of the Humane Society!
Join Today

More Dawg Rules (8-28-08)

This in no way supercedes previous Dawg rules but is meant as an recommended enhancement

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

From the...Shnit that makes you think dept. (8-27-08)

An Official Shnitheadz Item # 13 3/78ths (posted 8-27-08)

You asked for it---suitable for framing---your very own "It's Not A Tumor" Shnitheadz Official Poster. Steal One Now!


Shnit 4 Today * 8-27-08 * SHNITHEADZ SALUTES FLORIDA

And the latest in Florida Women's footware

Lot of thanks to Anne-Pie for this submission!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Windows Updates are getting tougher (8/26/08)

COMING TO THEATRES THIS DECEMBER -- (announcement date 8-26-08)

News Flash - Thingy's Cat Buys Car On eBay (8-26-08)

Click on image above for FULL VIEW

Thingy's response: "But I don't even have a cat"

The Chinese Government's response:

FOX refuses our highest award (8-26-08)

A response from FOX:

"To whomever is responsible for this gross exaggeration and total character assassination of the FOX organization:
We have enclosed the following photos which we hope you will publish if you desire to stay as "fair and balanced" in your reporting practices as we do at this organization. We expect you will choose not to comply with our wishes as it appears you are nothing more than another cog in a massive wheel of disinformation designed to destroy our beloved network. It is websites such as yours that give the credible news agencies like FOX an unfair and biased appearance. We challenge you to rise above the commonplace and set a shinning example for other misguided portals of porn and anti-American slur-mongering. Of course we are willing, in return to respond in kind. As a public news icon we demand the record be set on the straight and narrow. Our news family include some of the finest minds in their respective fields. Please reconsider your shoddy approach in portraying FOX as a blundering right wing toolbox that serves as a whitewash catch-all for the current Administration's Custer Flucks.


Something Murdock

The Head Fox Person In Charge

P.S. There could be some cash in it for you for playing "ball".

Cc... Greta, Field Marshall Chaney, GW and GW's parents."

And OUR response:

Dear Shnithead of the Week Recipient;
Fact is, we liked your network a SHNITLOAD better when you were still showing MASH and STAR TREK re-runs. Rest assured that as long as you keep 'uckin' up, we'll be there to point out your accomplishments.



For: Shnitheadz Everywhere!